Gel2D - The free/open source game creation suite

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
gel::Gel2dVec2D vector class with lots of operators and a few useful functions
gel::Gel3dVec3D vector class with lots of operators and a few useful functions
gel::Gel3x3MatrixSquare matrix for 2-dimensional transformations
gel::Gel4x4MatrixSquare matrix for 3-dimensional transformations
gel::GelAABBAxis-aligned bounding box for collision testing
gel::GelAnimSpriteFrame-based texture animated sprite
gel::GelAppBaseReimplementable base class for your Gel2D application
gel::GelArmature2D bone system for character animation
gel::GelBoneA bone
gel::GelCdtPointA point for collision testing
gel::GelCharASCII character
gel::GelCircleBounding circle for collision testing
gel::GelCollision2D collision detection algorithms
gel::GelColorScalar RGBA color class
gel::GelColorToolCommon color operations
gel::GelCStringClassic C style string abstraction
gel::GelDirFile directory manager
gel::GelEngineUsed for starting up and shutting down the Gel2D game engine
gel::GelEventBase event class
gel::GelEventDispatcherEvent dispatcher
gel::GelEventReceiverEvent receiver
gel::GelFileStreamFile data stream
gel::GelFontFont class
gel::GelFontCharFont character structure
gel::GelGameStateGame state object
gel::GelGameStateManagerGame state manager
gel::GelGUIButtonGUI push button widget
gel::GelGUICheckBoxGUI check box widget
gel::GelGUIManagerGUI manager
gel::GelGUITextGUI text widget
gel::GelGUIWidgetGUI base widget
gel::GelHSLAHSLA color class
gel::GelHWColorHardware RGBA color class
gel::GelImageDataImage data structure
gel::GelInputKeyboard, mouse, and joystick input handling
gel::GelKeyEventKeyboard event
gel::GelKeyFrameKey frame container for animation data
gel::GelLinkedList< dType >Doubly-linked list template
gel::GelListNode< dType >Doubly-linked list node
gel::GelMathSome useful mathematical functions
gel::GelMemoryStreamMemory data stream
gel::GelMouseEventMouse event
gel::GelOBBOriented bounding box for collision testing
gel::GelObjectGel2D object base class
gel::GelParSysDataParticle System data
gel::GelParticleParticle data structure
gel::GelParticleSysParticle simulation / rendering
gel::GelPowerInfoObtains electrical power information
gel::GelQueue< dType >Queue template
gel::GelRenderSystemAbstract render system
gel::GelResizeEventResize event
gel::GelResourceManagerResource manager
gel::GelResourcePackResource packer
gel::GelRGBARGBA color class
gel::GelSceneManagerScene manager
gel::GelStack< dType >Stack template
gel::GelStringASCII string
gel::GelSysInfoObtains system information
gel::GelTextText object
gel::GelTextStreamText data stream
gel::GelTextureObjectGel2D texture object base class
gel::GelUCharUnicode character
gel::GelVertMesh vertex structure
gel::GelVideoVideo mode handling
gel::GelVideoModeVideo mode structure
gel::GelWindowWindow handling