Wish List
These are features that are NOT implemented yet.
Platform Support
- Android
- Mac OS X
- iPod / iPhone / iPad
Architecture Support
Compiler Support
- Visual C++ 2008 (or newer)
Graphics API
Toolkit Integration
Language Bindings
Peripheral Input
- Joystick
- Accelerometer
- Windows Game Controllers
Skinnable GUI
- Widgets
- Frame
- Input box
- List box
- Menu
- Menu item
- Progress bar
- Radio button
- Radio group
- Scroll bar
- Tree item
- Tree view
- Window
- Signals and slots interface
Spatialized Sound
- Read audio formats
- Read music formats
Collision Detection
Resource Management
Image reading/writing
Video Texture
Keyframe Animation
Template-based Container Classes
Render to Texture
Distortion Mesh
Tiling System
Signals and Slots
Resource Packing
Rigid Body Physics
Bone System
Keyframe Animation
Scripting Engine
Artificial Intelligence
Unicode 5.0/6.0 support
Internationalization / localization
Gel2D SDK Tools
Upcoming game development tools:
Font editor
Image optimizer
All-in-one integrated game maker