Gel2D - The free/open source game creation suite

Setting Up Gel2D in Code::Blocks

This tutorial assumes that Gel2D has been properly installed, so that the GCC Compiler knows where the Gel2D library and headers are.

If you haven't already, download and install Code::Blocks.

After the installation, launch Code::Blocks, and create a new project:

Select File->New->Project...
Select the Empty project icon.
Click Go.

You will now be taken through the project wizard.
Type in a title for the project.
Enter the <root> folder to save your project in.
Type in a filename for the project.
Click Next.

Now you can change a few final options if you like.
Click Finish.

Now you need to link your program with the necessary libraries.
Select Project->Build options....
Select the Linker settings tab.
Click Add to add a new link library, then type gel2d and click OK.
Do the same to add the other libraries: GL, GLU, png, imagen.
Click OK.

That's It!
You're now ready to start programming with Gel2D in Code::Blocks.