This tutorial assumes that Gel2D has been properly installed, so that the GCC Compiler knows where the
Gel2D library and headers are.
If you haven't already, download and install Code::Blocks.
After the installation, launch Code::Blocks, and create a new project:
Select File->New->Project...
Select the Empty project icon.
Click Go.
You will now be taken through the project wizard.
Type in a title for the project.
Enter the <root> folder to save your project in.
Type in a filename for the project.
Click Next.
Now you can change a few final options if you like.
Click Finish.
Now you need to link your program with the necessary libraries.
Select Project->Build options....
Select the Linker settings tab.
Click Add to add a new link library, then type gel2d and click OK.
Do the same to add the other libraries: GL, GLU, png, imagen.
Click OK.
That's It!
You're now ready to start programming with Gel2D in Code::Blocks.